

How to Find the Best Confined Space Entry Kit for Your Team

How to Find the Best Confined Space Entry Kit for Your Team

Confined space entry is a complicated business. But buying the tools you need to perform regular, compliant entry of a permit-required confined space (PRCS) doesn't have to be difficult. We've been in business longer than the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has been around, and it's our business to know exactly what you need to be compliant with their most current regulations. We've put together two confined space entry kits together that fit the unique needs of the …
Oct 2nd 2015 Administrator
What Do Contractors Need for Confined Space Entry?

What Do Contractors Need for Confined Space Entry?

Just because you aren't entering a drainage system, silo, septic tank, or some other confined space every day, or even every week, doesn't mean you can avoid getting the equipment necessary to make you OSHA compliant. But it does mean that you will be perfectly satisfied with a basic confined space entry system. For folks working in city waste water treatment facilities or manufacturing which requires regular maintenance and inspection of confined spaces, it makes sense to have the m …
Jul 10th 2015 Administrator
Contractor's Confined Space Entry Kit and OSHA Compliance

Contractor's Confined Space Entry Kit and OSHA Compliance

There are lots of companies out there that do occasional confined space entry work. OSHA requirements for employee safety stay the same whether workers enter these potentially hazardous confined spaces once a year or one thousand times. We've heard from customers over the years that want a kit for confined space entry that won't break the bank or make them invest heavily in equipment. That's why we developed the Confined Space Entry Contractor's Kit. This kit has all the required equ …
Mar 20th 2013 Justin McCarter